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News from the Aachen Additive Manufacturing World

Within the heart of Europe, we are part of an innovative and holistic research ecosystem on the RWTH Aachen Campus . Mark this page as favorite and get the latest Aachen news about Additive Manufacturing, Digitalization and Innovation – stay tuned!

Press Releases

E-Motor Study: PEM and Partners Produce Stator Demonstrator

E-Motor Study: PEM and Partners Produce Stator Demonstrator

Press Release PEM RWTH Aachen, April 11th 2024 E-Motor Study: PEM and Partners Produce Stator DemonstratorWith numerous partners from industry, the Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components (PEM) of RWTH Aachen University has achieved the first goal of...

DAP Blog

End of the SEPP Project: Improved Simulations for 3D Printing

End of the SEPP Project: Improved Simulations for 3D Printing

Ending project End of the SEPP Project: Improved Simulations for 3D Printing Laser-based additive manufacturing technologies such as the PBF-LB/M process, which uses a laser to process powder-based materials, offer almost unlimited geometric design freedom for the...